This special intensive course has been developed to enhance the practitioner’s ability to effectively prescribe controlled medications while minimizing their misuse whenever possible. The course combines lectures, participative discussions, case studies, pre- and post-test, a personal case-based reflective essay, and individual skill practice with standardized patients and simulations to create an intensive interactive learning environment. An opportunity on Day 2 and 3 to practice the clinical reasoning skills involved in controlled drug prescribing decisions with a standardized patient, focusing on areas such as informed consent, addictive disease, opioids and benzodiazepines, insomnia and non-compliance. Four months post-course, the organizers offer a chart review, assessment of prescribing practices and feedback from the faculty.
When: February 3 – 5, 2025
Where: Broadcast live virtually from Cleveland, OH
Cost: $1,900.00
Credits: AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ (23.75 hours), Non-Physician Attendance (23.75 hours)
For more information and to register: Visit the Case Western Reserve University of Medicine website.
Event Dates: 02/03/2025 - 02/05/2025