Pain Management & Addiction Medicine

Register to get an overview of interdisciplinary pain management and addiction education designed to provide physicians, nurse practitioners, physician associates, nurses knowledge and competence in recognizing and understanding the unique needs of patients with pain management and drug addictive behaviors. Expert faculty will discuss the current state of the opioid crisis, share methodology and inter-professional approaches to deal with critical issues, and identify opportunities to approach the treatment of pain and substance abuse. The conference will provide a platform for participants to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and explore new strategies in order to improve patient care and outcomes. The format includes didactic lectures, question and answer sessions, and case studies.

Where: Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa, Napa, CA
When: July 11 – 13, 2024
Cost: $695.00
Registration and more information: Symposia Medicus website

Event Date: 07/11/2024