When our brain and body are stressed, we do not digest food very well, even with a healthy diet. This can cause diarrhea or constipation and add to pain. Good nutrition will improve your gut health and change your experience with pain.
If your patients make healthy food choices, prepare food at home, and eat with friends and family in a relaxed environment, many of their digestion problems are likely to improve. Restful sleep, regular activity, and a good social life can also help with pain.
The Nutrition video has four sections:
- Common symptoms of nutritional or gut health problems
- Why gut health is important for pain management
- Lifestyle tips for better nutritional or gut health
- Goal Setting
The video contains all the educational content, so be sure to have the patient watch the entire video.
Download the handout to learn about:
- The Gut Microbiome and Pain
- Why the Gut Microbiome is Important: The Gut-Brain Axis
- Gut-Barrier Integrity
- How the Gut Microbiome can be Disrupted
- the Effect of Antibiotics
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